July 29, 2010

FYI... just sharing....

Please heed....

On the way to Canton Thursday morning, I saw an infant car seat on the side of the road with a blanket draped over it. I did not stop, even though I had all kinds of thoughts running
through my head.

But when I got to my destination, I called the Canton PD and they were going to check it out. This is what I was told... "Several things to be aware of .. gangs and thieves, are now plotting different ways to get a person to "stop" their vehicle.

"There is a gang initiation reported by the local police department that gangs are placing a car seat by the road...with a fake baby in it...waiting for a woman, of course, to stop and check on the baby. Note that the location of this car seat will usually be beside a wooded or
grassy (field) area ...and the person - woman - will be dragged into the woods- beaten and raped- usually left for dead. DO NOT STOP. DIAL 9-1-1 AND REPORT WHAT YOU SAW.

If you are driving at night and eggs are thrown at your windshield, do not use your wiper blades and do not spray any water because eggs mixed with water become milky and block your vision up to 92.5%. You are then forced to stop beside the road and become a victim of thieves.

please share with friends and loved ones.

July 28, 2010

What is your influence?

I had the thrill of getting to attend a presentation done by the very inspiring Ako Kambon, he is from the Visionary Leaders Institute. I have heard a lot of keynote speakers, but never to the degree of this gentleman. Ako was amazing! His presentation was interactive, he was very comfortable and part comedian I am sure of it, in fact his delivery of jokes was similar to that of Eddie Murphy. He was down to earth, intelligent and very approachable.

The purpose of his presentation was to inspire teachers to go back to the classroom and teach to the current day student. Too many teachers are teaching ineffectively to our generation of techies.

One of the most shocking pieces of data he presented was the change of influence over the decades. I jotted them down so that I could share them.

  1. Home
  2. School
  3. Church
  4. Peers
  5. TV

  1. Home
  2. Peers
  3. TV
  4. School
  5. Church

  1. Peers
  2. TV
  3. Home/Media
  4. School
#10 Church

Media - important to note that most children/teens use one device for the media - their lifeline the cell phone..
Videos (TV & games)

With this he asked everyone in the audience who had a cell phone to raise their hand; as you would expect there was about a 99% participation. The he asked how many of you have yours on you right now? Again, same participation, "how man of you have it shut off?" crickets! He followed with "Why on earth would you expect a child to shut theirs off if you don't shut yours off?" Another point he made was rather than try to enforce a rule that is never going to succeed why don't we teach our educators how to use the cell phone as a tool! I am happy to note that there are lots of teachers that are using the cell phone as a learning tool already; but it is the first time I have heard of a administrative level personal embracing the idea.

His presentation made me think about how I will teach to Emma, and how much drastically different growing up will be for her vs. when I grew up. What will be her #1 influence? I hope and will work to make home her first influence.

July 22, 2010

too much for eternity...

I was driving home from work this evening listening to the radio when I heard about the building of a Muslim Mosque where the World trade towers once stood larger than life in New York City. Immediately I thought, this is not a good idea. I am far separated from any one who lost a loved one in 9-11, and yet, when I heard this, as an American my heart cried for those who had lost a loved one in this travesty.


My personal opinion on this, is it is too much. Too bold, too extreme, too incomprehensible and will not help those heal who lost a loved one or a dear friend. I can not speak for those that lost someone, but I do not feel that this will break down barriers or build a bridge.

I am rarely speechless.

July 14, 2010


Here in Austin, we truly have an amazing community that genuinely cares about others. There is a company here in Austin (also has stores in Baton Rouge and New Orleans) called Storyville; they sale unique locally designed T-shirts. They have started a line to give $5 of the profits for each T-shirt sold to the gulf coast fisherman and their families that have been affected by the BP oil spill.

You can purchase these T-shirts at the store or order them online!

Product Description

For years to come, the Gulf Coast will be feeling the effects of the BP Oil Spill. Giving to charities such as the Greater New Orleans Foundation can, in a small way, help speed up the Gulf Coast's recovery and, in the meanwhile, provide aide to victims of the oil spill.

For every "Save Our Coast" shirt sold, Storyville will make a donation to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund of the Greater New Orleans Foundation. One hundred percent of all donations to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Fund will be granted to organizations working tirelessly in the effected areas. The Oil Spill Fund's focus is to help fishermen and their families in the following Louisiana parishes: Plaquemines, St. Bernard, lower Jefferson, Terrebonne and Lafourche.

"Save Our Coast" is printed on a dirty water-colored, 50% polyester, 50% rayon Alternative Apparel Topango Heather Burnout Crew top with black ink. The top is made of a burnout material, which means that it is a super sheer fabric that has been put through an extensive process to reveal years of weathering. Therefore, no two tops are exactly the same. This top is only available in the unisex cut. If you'd like to see an Alternative Apparel sizing chart, click here and refer to the "women's size chart." This Storyville Original was created by Natalie Naquin Harvey and is modeled by Alicia Schulz and Fredy Garcia. To see more Storyville Originals, click here.

July 13, 2010

Let's Move!

I have a friend, Jenny who is currently interning for the White House, thus I get all this amazing stuff to read about and learn about! This morning she sent me an email about the Let's Move campaign. I love it! There is also a blog for this campaign. (read about Jenny's journey here)

On the website they have information about
  • Raising healthier kids;
  • Food and nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • simple steps;
  • lets move together!
Mrs. Obama will be answering your questions about the Let’s Move! initiative in a live video chat today at 10:00 AM EDT. Go to letsmove.gov to watch!

I am very excited about this initiative! I loved Food Revolution with Jaime Oliver and was immediately concerned about the lunches that schools are serving children and the nutritional requirements of our kids.

I will be watching the video chat today!

July 08, 2010

Quacks 43rd street backery - the promissed followup

As promised I went to Quacks! Yes, consider me a tiny bit impulsive... or maybe over the top, I don't care either way! I was in their neck of the woods so I figured I would drop in on my way home from volunteering last night.

Let me just say, I really had to breakdown my feelings about these cookies. They are shortbread cookies that are iced. As I am eating this cookie, I find myself asking questions, why is it not sweet? Why is it so salty. Do I really want to waste my calories on this? But I just kept on eating. I like it, but I am not crazy about it. AH! They are vegan.

Brian LOVED them! He ate TWO! They are not small cookies. I omitted the vegan information, because my husband has the pallet of a small child who only wants to eat hamburgers and french fries.

I did also sample the cupcake you see above, raspberry buttercream, delish! It hit the spot, it was so large I shared it with three friends. They have a huge variety of treats at the bakery, I predict I will be dropping in from time to time. I love Austin!

July 07, 2010


I have a new favorite place! I have not been their yet; but I assume, from the bottom of my growling belly that it is coming, and coming FAST!

It is called Quacks 43rd Street Bakery! And they are opened very extended hours, so I do not foresee it being a problem!

Doesn't this little turtle cookie look so cute!

I will report back after I have tested these cookies thoroughly.